What kind of writing group should you join?

The Must-Have Guide to Choosing the Right Fiction Writing Group

You’re writing a novel or short story collection, and you’re ready to take your writing to the next level. You’ve thought about being in a writing group but don’t know what kind of writing group will help you reach your writing goals. 

Your time is precious, and you don't want to spend it in a group that isn't helping you make progress on your fiction writing. I created this guide to help you figure out what kind of writing group would support you best at this point in your journey!

Are You Ready to Find Out?

Making the transition from writing solo to writing with a supportive group can be a game-changer! This guide will help you consider and select the kind of group you need. Learn about the three kinds of writing groups and how each serves you as you strive for your goals.

Download the guide here!

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Hey there! I'm Donna... 

I’ve been matching fiction writers into groups since 2011. Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of writers find accountability partners and critique groups. What I’ve learned: A writer’s awareness of the different kinds of support they need determines their success in a writing group.