Hello, Iā€™m Donna.

I provide aspiring authors with structure, motivation, and accountability to get them to a finished first draft.

Start where you're at...

Where are you in your fiction writing journey?

I want to join a fiction writing group, but I'm not sure which kind is right for me.

I created a super simple FREE guide to help you choose the right writing group for you at this point in your journey.


I'm ready to join an accountability or critique group.

PowerWriter Writing Groups are cohorts of fiction writers who share a common goal of getting their work published and help each other with feedback and accountability.


Why join a writing group?


Regular meetings give you the structure you need to develop your creative habit


Constructive feedback from your peers up-levels you as a writer


Deadlines from your accountability team keep your writing project on track

"Honestly, I wanted you to know how much Power Hour has meant to me. I have been writing my whole life but always on the fringes. When Covid hit I searched for some way to find joy and I found your group. For the first time ever I feel like I am a writer, a real writer! lol And over the course of this time I had my first story published and I came in runner up for that fellowship. You can't imagine how happy I am."

Lorena O.

You've tried writing on your own but gave up on your project before it was finished. You’re not comfortable sharing your work with a large, impersonal Facebook group. You love your mother, and she always thinks your writing is great, but her feedback’s not helping you grow as a writer.


You crave the experience that only a writing group of dedicated creative peers can give you.


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Two Step

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